if you produce an executable, nobody sees the actual Go code.
build it with:
go build -ldflags "-s -w"

or you could try to obfuscate it:

or you can make a self-extracting executable

Op woensdag 7 december 2022 om 19:09:31 UTC+1 schreef nsing...@gmail.com:

> Hi All,
> We are looking for a way to distribute a Golang Package. but We ant to 
> hide the Code which we have written. 
> We went Through Creating A DLL to distribute but it crashes at different 
> point while running. As we have distribute to Both linux and windows . And 
> i found that for linux we can use plugin. But the crash for windows dll  
> after importing the file is concerning for us and its happening at random 
> points in the code also "bad sweepgen in refill".  
> If there is any other way to distribute the code without showing the 
> source code please Tell
> Thanks
> Neeraj

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