You cannot mutate strings. Your code is also missing a final close-brace
and possibly has other problems. That your example includes commented out
code is also problematic. As Nikhilesh Susarla pointed out you should post
a link to the Go playground to avoid any ambiguity.

I added the missing close-brace to your code and observed the following
behavior (I entered "1" at the prompt):

> go run x.go
 144.6 ms
State where the hash counter should begin:>> 1
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x2 addr=0x28 pc=0x102536674]

This tells me there is a fundamental bug in your code having nothing to do
with "Problems with array slicing reliability"

On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 1:56 PM Mucas Schlack <> wrote:

> Hello Golangers!
> Is there anyone who can test the reliability of the following Golang slice
> feature? I am using an AMG64 computer with Windows 10, and Go version
> 0.36.0. When I use the following code, to detect and then replace a
> character at any given length *n* (9) in a string with an Uppercase
> Character. Strangely and somehow, the slice pointer will move to another
> position even though the code is not dynamic and has not changed. Is there
> anyone who can trouble shoot this code for me?
> Please remember that this is "*test*" code only, so some of it will not
> make any sense or work. It is only "proof of concept" code.
> The code to pay attention to is the following - from lines: 80 - 92!
> Many thanks for any help you can give!
> Mucas
> Example code:
> package main
> import(
>     //"unicode/utf8"
>     "math/rand"
>     "strconv"
>     "strings"
>     "fmt"
>     "time"
>     "os"
> )
> var alphanumerics = [62] string {
> "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z",
>     "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9",
> "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z",
>     }
> func main(){
> var (
>         txtflpth string = "C:\\Workspace\\Transaction Hash.txt"
>         flNm string = "Transaction Hash.txt"
>         CRLF string = "\n"
>         cntstrt string
>         AuthKey string
>         NwStr string
>         cstart int
>         cntr int
>         flEx *os.FileInfo
>         flEx2 *os.File
>         trfl *os.File
>         err error
>     )
>     fmt.Print("State where the hash counter should begin:>> ")
>     fmt.Scanln(&cntstrt)
>     if cntstrt == "" || cntstrt == " " {
>         trfl, err = os.Create(flNm)
>         if err != nil { panic(err); os.Exit(-1) }
>         defer trfl.Close()
>     } else {
>         var flEx, err = os.Stat(txtflpth)
>         fmt.Println(flEx.Mode().String)
>         //fmt.Println(flEx.IsRegular())
>         fmt.Println(flEx.IsDir())
>         fmt.Println(flEx.Name())
>         fmt.Println(flEx.Size())
>         fmt.Println(flEx.Sys())
>         if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { panic(err) } }
>         cstart, err = strconv.Atoi(cntstrt)
>         flEx2, err := os.Open(txtflpth)
>         defer flEx2.Close()
>     }
>     /*defer func(
>         if err == trfl.Close() || err == os.IsNotExist(err)!= err {
> panic(err) }
>         if err == flEx.Close() || err == os.IsNotExist(err)!= err {
> panic(err) }
>     )*/
>     if cntstrt != "" && cntstrt != " " { cntr = cstart }
>     for cntr = cstart; cntr < cstart + 1000; cntr++ {
>         NwStr = ""
>         AuthKey = NwStr
>         for i := 0; i <= 65; i++ {
>             time.Sleep(10 * time.Nanosecond)
>             rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
>             AuthKey = AuthKey + alphanumerics[rand.Intn(62)] //, [A - Z],
> [0-9])
>         }
>         var hashRemap = [...] string {"A","U","G","D","E","X"}
>         AuthKey = "0x" + AuthKey
>         fmt.Println("Transaction Hash: " + strconv.Itoa(cntr) + ") " +
> AuthKey)
>         //AuthKey2 := []rune(AuthKey)
>         StrPos := strings.Index(AuthKey, AuthKey[9:10])
>         fmt.Printf("The old character %s is at string position: (%d) " +
> CRLF,AuthKey[9:10], StrPos)
>         //os.Exit(1)
>         for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
>             switch i {
>                 case 0: AuthKey = strings.Replace(AuthKey,AuthKey[9:10],
> hashRemap[0], 1); fmt.Println("Replaced! The New Transaction Hash: " + "("
> + strconv.Itoa(i) + ") " + AuthKey); os.Exit(1);
>                 case 1: AuthKey = strings.Replace(AuthKey,"",
> hashRemap[1], 1)
>                 case 2: AuthKey = strings.Replace(AuthKey,"",
> hashRemap[3], 1)
>                 case 3: AuthKey = strings.Replace(AuthKey,"",
> hashRemap[4], 1)
>                 case 4: AuthKey = strings.Replace(AuthKey,"",
> hashRemap[5], 1)
>                 case 5: AuthKey = strings.Replace(AuthKey,"",
> hashRemap[5], 1)
>             }
>         }
>         fmt.Println("Transaction Hash: " + strconv.Itoa(cntr) + ") " +
> AuthKey)
>         if trfl != nil { trfl.WriteString("Transaction Hash: " +
> strconv.Itoa(cntr) + ") " + AuthKey + CRLF) }
>         if flEx != nil { flEx2.WriteString("Transaction Hash: " +
> strconv.Itoa(cntr) + ") " + AuthKey + CRLF) }
> --
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> "golang-nuts" group.
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> .

Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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