Hi Go community,

We've released Google's style documentation for Go:

These are the house rules that Google uses to write Go code internally.

The intention in publishing this is to help collaborators on Google open
source projects, and to provide a starting place or reference for other
groups to create their own. We hope that people may find it useful if they
work on other codebases, but there is no expectation that Go programs at
large follow it exactly: although the Go language project is of course led
by Google, this guide is not specifically endorsed by the Go project.

The style documentation has its own overview section, but I thought it
might be useful to include a brief FAQ.

Q: Why a style guide? Let me just gofmt.

A: Google operates a huge monorepo <https://research.google/pubs/pub45424/>,
with many Go programmers writing to it. Large codebases benefit from
uniformity and developing idioms
that minimize certain bugs and readability problems.

Q: Do I need to adopt these style rules?

A: Code checked into the main Google codebase generally needs to follow
these guidelines. If you contribute to a Google open source project, you
can save review churn by using this style.

Q: Who wrote this? What is the relationship to

A: Dozens of people over at least a decade have contributed to these
guidelines. A lot of the early text was written by the fledgling Go team,
copied over to the wiki page (which is why there's a lot of overlap). The
Go Readability team maintains the document and updates the advice when
there's internal consensus to do so.

Q: What is readability?

A: It’s a program to share best practices. You can read more about how
Google maintains a large codebase with many contributors in the book Software
Engineering at Google (read online

Q: I can't believe you want me to do X! I've been doing Y and it's better.

A: It may be that Y is better in your project. Our requirements may be
different from yours.

Remember also that some conventions can be valuable even if they represent
a choice that is mostly arbitrary. For example, using “got before want”
probably isn’t a lot different from the other way around, but either one is
better than every line of code doing something new.

Q: This is long! Do I really have to read all of it?

A: The style documentation is deliberately split into three parts. We
advise Go programmers at Google to take the core Style Guide
<https://google.github.io/styleguide/go/guide> text seriously, and pick up
more specific points as they go through the readability program.

Q: Will you take my pull request?

A: This repo is not accepting external contributions, sorry. If you spot an
error such as a dead link or a typo, we welcome bug reports.

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