On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 4:43 PM Robert Engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> Go is not listed as an OO language on Wikipedia.

Check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(programming_language):
"ParadigmMulti-paradigm: concurrent imperative, object-oriented[1][2]"

> Personally I think it is OO-like. OO typically has inheritance.

Typically they may, but that's not the same as what a requirement
would be, right?

> There are also no “class variables” - only package level - which makes some 
> encapsulation patterns harder (every class has to become a package).

No class has to become a package because Go has no classes. You may
think of what a "class" in Go means, but you have not defined that
idea and the language specification is somehow silent about Go

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