I think the result of the proposal explains some rewriting in .go files, at 

I believe the conventional wisdom/best practices here are:

- Use separate, parallel files to hold platform- (or tag-) specific code, 
    init_darwin.go, init_linux.go, init_windows.go

- Prefer setting environment variables GOOS, GOARCH to passing build tag 
I think these quick guides are up-to-date:

I hope this helps, I'm not convinced I'm not missing something :)
On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 1:27:22 PM UTC-8 sandee...@gmail.com wrote:

> probably yes - the implementation of tools for this feature. 
> If you see the accepted proposal there is this example:
> https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/draft-gobuild.md
> // +build 386 windows,amd64 windows
> BTW, I am on go1.19.3.
> On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 3:18:44 PM UTC-6 harr...@spu.edu wrote:
>> Is this relevant? https://github.com/golang/go/issues/41184
>> On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 1:16:02 PM UTC-8 se...@liao.dev wrote:
>>> You'll need to provide more info if you want to report a bug:
>>> ```
>>> main » cat main.go         
>>> // +build production
>>> // +build linux
>>> package main
>>> 21:13:35 ~/tmp/testrepo0017 0:00:00
>>> main » go fmt .
>>> main.go
>>> 21:13:39 ~/tmp/testrepo0017 0:00:00
>>> main » cat main.go
>>> //go:build production && linux
>>> // +build production,linux
>>> package main
>>> ```
>>> - sean
>>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 9:13 PM Sandeep Kalra <sandee...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> and similar issue with other style of adding tags as well
>>>> i.e. 
>>>> // +build tag1,tag2
>>>> // +build tag1 tag2
>>>> etc
>>>> On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 3:07:40 PM UTC-6 Sandeep Kalra wrote:
>>>>> Original code:
>>>>> $ cat production.go
>>>>> //go:build production
>>>>> // +build production
>>>>> // +build linux  <<<<<< Notice This Line as my production code is only 
>>>>> available on Linux
>>>>> package main
>>>>> const (
>>>>>     isProductionCode = true
>>>>>     isDebugCode      = false
>>>>> )
>>>>> $ go fmt production.go
>>>>> production.go
>>>>> $ cat production.go
>>>>> //go:build production
>>>>> // +build production
>>>>> package main
>>>>> const (
>>>>>     isProductionCode = true
>>>>>     isDebugCode      = false
>>>>> )
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Sandeep Kalra
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