> That appears to be the primary limit. That including a composite literal 
initializer that exceeds that limit, causing a more ambiguous error, > 
seems like a related, but secondary, issue.

Yes, this seems to be a related question, see 
https://github.com/golang/go/issues/9862. If we do not allow static data 
larger than 2G, then the description of the array in the spec may need to 
be slightly modified?

在2022年10月29日星期六 UTC+8 17:37:32<tapi...@gmail.com> 写道:

> On Saturday, October 29, 2022 at 3:52:16 PM UTC+8 
> axel.wa...@googlemail.com wrote:
>> You might want to check out the order of messages as seen by google 
>> groups: https://groups.google.com/g/golang-nuts/c/mw5f2kyEjpA
>> Either your Message was delivered to groups delayed, or Kurtis message 
>> was delivered delayed to you.
> I don't think the order matters at all here. ;)
>> On Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 9:44 AM T L <tapi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 12:11 PM Kurtis Rader <kra...@skepticism.us> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Did you not see my reply pointing out the same thing? That is, given a 
>>> particular platform and executable format the limit is likely to be much 
>>> less than math.MaxInt. Alternatively, was my reply not clear about the 
>>> practical versus theoretical limit of the size of an array? Which is not to 
>>> say that your reply is invalid. I'm just curious how you view your reply as 
>>> being more clear than mine. :-)
>>>> On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 8:57 PM tapi...@gmail.com <tapi...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> The max array length is math.MaxInt. "[math.MaxInt]struct{}" is valid,
>>>>> though the practical size of non-zero-size array is hard limited in 
>>>>> some way.
>>>>> On Friday, October 28, 2022 at 9:43:16 AM UTC+8 eric...@arm.com wrote:
>>>>>> The spec says that " The length is part of the array's type; it must 
>>>>>> evaluate to a non-negative constant 
>>>>>> <https://go.dev/ref/spec#Constants> representable 
>>>>>> <https://go.dev/ref/spec#Representability> by a value of 
>>>>>> type int. ", so on a 64-bit environment, I assume that the maximum array 
>>>>>> length should be math.MaxInt64, am I right ? But the following code 
>>>>>> doesn't 
>>>>>> compile:
>>>>>>     package main
>>>>>>     var x = [1<<34]byte{1<<23: 23, 1<<24: 24, 1<<33:33}
>>>>> -- 
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>>>>> .
>>>> -- 
>>>> Kurtis Rader
>>>> Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank
>>> -- 
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