is go-plugin supported by Windows?...We want to create go dll and tey to 
access through go code

On Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 5:12:34 PM UTC+5:30 Brian Candler wrote:

> My first reaction is, do you *really* want to call a Go DLL from a Go main 
> program? It seems to me like you will have two active copies of the Go 
> runtime with their own garbage collectors etc.
> Go "plugins" might be closer to what you need:
> But there are a number of caveats:
> Also consider whether you'd be better off with two separate processes 
> communicating using gRPC or similar. Hashicorp have published a go-plugin 
> library which takes this approach:
> On Thursday, 29 September 2022 at 10:34:38 UTC+1 
> wrote:
>> Oh, hang on, please ignore my last message. It's that was because the 
>> *caller* was defined that way - it's NOT a Go thing. Oops, my bad.
>> Peter
>> On Thursday, 29 September 2022 at 10:33:23 UTC+1 Peter Galbavy wrote:
>>> On Linux at least - I have not tried building or using a Windows DLL, 
>>> you have to accept C-style args and process them in the exported function 
>>> signature:
>>> e.g.
>>> //export SendMail
>>> func SendMail(n, args **C.char) {
>>>     conf := parseArgs(n, args)
>>> ...
>>> Here my parseArgs() func loops over the args and puts them in a map - 
>>> which is what I want, but your requirement will be different.
>>> Even if you are calling the function from Go code, I believe it still 
>>> goes through the C ABI. I just followed
>>> Peter
>>> On Thursday, 29 September 2022 at 09:58:02 UTC+1 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> I'm trying to create go DLL for the below program using "go build 
>>>> -buildmode=c-shared -o calc.go"
>>>> *package mainimport "C"func main() {}//export SayHellofunc 
>>>> SayHello(name string) {fmt.Printf("Go says: Hello, %s!\n", name)}//export 
>>>> Addfunc Add(num0, num1 int) int {return num0 + num1}*
>>>> *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>>>> I have written the below logic to access DLL methods,
>>>> *import "C"import (   "fmt"   "syscall"   "unsafe")var (   Library     
>>>>  syscall.Handle   IsInitialize = false   data         = "World")func 
>>>> Loaddll() {   if Library == 0 {      var error_val error      
>>>> fmt.Printf("creating handle of c-share Wrapper\n")      Library, _ = 
>>>> syscall.LoadLibrary("calc.dll")      if error_val != nil {        
>>>>  fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Error occured while loading dll - %s", 
>>>> error_val.Error()))      }      getDetails()   }}func getDetails() {  
>>>>  key_uintptr := getUintPtrOfString(data)   helloMethod := 
>>>> getProc("SayHello")   get_secret_result, _, _ := 
>>>> syscall.SyscallN(uintptr(helloMethod), key_uintptr)   value := 
>>>> C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(get_secret_result)))   if 
>>>> get_secret_result != 0 {      fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Get code has given 
>>>> nonzero result\n %v", value))   }}func getProc(funcname string) (result 
>>>> uintptr) {   result, error_val := syscall.GetProcAddress(Library, 
>>>> funcname)   if error_val != nil {      fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Error 
>>>> while 
>>>> getting proc %s", error_val.Error()))   }   return result}func 
>>>> getUintPtrOfString(s string) uintptr {   byte_s := append([]byte(s), 0)  
>>>>  return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&byte_s[0]))}*
>>>> *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>>>> I'm able to access the DLL method(Add) when we pass int as argument, 
>>>> but I'm getting errors while passing arguments as a string 
>>>> (Sayhello)..Here 
>>>> we are expecting the result as *Go says: Hello,<some string>*

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