
I would like check if a dummy function returns the desired error.
To do this, I put desired error type on test cases struct (the error
field is required in the struct).

On test-error.go, I have:

package tester

import (

type eTest struct {
        what    string

func (e *eTest) Error() string {
        return fmt.Sprintf("e.what? %s", e.what)

func Err() error {
        return &eTest{"what?"}

And on the corresponding test (test-error_test.go), I have:

package tester

import (

type Tests struct {
        err error

func TestErr (t *testing.T) {
        cases := Tests{eTest,}

        t.Run("now testing", func (t *testing.T) {
                actual := Err()

                if actual != cases.err {

But when I `go test`, I got build error:

# test-error [test-error.test]
./test-error_test.go:12:17: eTest (type) is not an expression

What was wrong above?

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