On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 11:18 PM Robert Engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> Every modern language with generics or similar has a streams package so 
> there’s no need to call out Java.

For some reason unknown to me you seem to consider Go not being a
modern language as it does not have a "streams" package. I don't care,
but it's worth noting.

Back to the pipelining, error "models" and exceptions. Some languages
I consider not modern are limited to single values returned from a
function. That makes pipelining a problem if errors can get involved.
Exceptions are more or less a poor solution to overcome that
limitation. Go does not have this limitation so it does not need the
poor solution to it. Yet you call it a problem of the Go error
"model". It makes little sense to me.

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