Hi Marc, thanks for your comment:
>  The thing is, if you try to cover this for a mistake, then we can cover 
every mistake, right?
Not at all.  I think the idea is to try to catch at compile-time common 
mistakes, that are easily made, can be missed during testing and can have 
serious consequences.  There have been numerous additions to the language 
for this reason and many other proposals some of which will probably be 
implemented in Go2 (eg https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20733 which I 
also thought of).

I guess it comes down to an assessment of how common this is, seriousness 
etc.  I couldn't find a discussion of this anywhere but in my experience it 
is a very common problem for beginners but something we experienced Gophers 
forget about.

>  There is probably a linter which can check this, or you can write a 
linter yourself.
This is not a general solution for the millions of beginner Go 
programmers.  Moreover, most do not run linters or even know what is 
available.  And really the *only* Go "linter" (in the sense I think you 
mean) should be *go vet*.  (Golint is more about style guidelines. Other 
linters that people have written have good ideas but should be added to the 
official tools - go vet of better the compiler - to be useful.)

It would be a (small) step if *go vet* detected the problem but many don't 
use *go vet. *My understanding of the unofficial current strategy for 
handling dubious code is:

1. "go vet" to report the problem if it's possible that the code could be 
correct AND there is no simple workaround to avoid it
2. compiler error is there is dubious code that could be clarified with a 
simple code change (like type cast)

Thanks again for the feedback.  It has helped me clarify what I want to say 
in the proposal.

On Wednesday, 3 August 2022 at 22:44:43 UTC+10 marc...@gmail.com wrote:

> I would vote against it.
> The thing is, if you try to cover this for a mistake, then we can cover 
> every mistake, right?
> There is probably a linter which can check this, or you can write a linter 
> yourself.
> (Also, if you happed to make this mistake more than once, tell your fellow 
> developers, that they have to have extra attention when you write a loop.)
> Op dinsdag 2 augustus 2022 om 07:12:01 UTC+2 schreef aphill...@gmail.com:
>> Just thought I'd run this one by you...
>> I used to often forget to specify the 2nd variable in a for-range:
>>     sum := ""
>>     for v := range []string{"1", "2", "3"} {
>>         sum += v
>>     }
>> luckilly (or because Go is so good at type safety) this generates the 
>> error:
>>   invalid operation: sum += v (mismatched types string and int)
>> I used to do this quite a bit which lead (when using an int slice) to one 
>> (maybe more that I haven't found yet :) bugs.  But for someone coming from 
>> a language with a for-range statement (like Python) it seems this type of 
>> bug is even more common:
>>     sum := 0
>>     for v := range []int{1, 2, 3} {
>>         sum += v // no error as they're both int
>>     }
>> Ideally you write tests to catch these sorts of things, but even with 
>> 100% coverage poor tests may not reveal the bug.  Then, if you're lucky, 
>> you get unexpected results or it could leave a nasty bug lurking in some 
>> rarely-executed piece of code.
>> A small fix to the language would avoid this problem.  If for-range 
>> indices had a different type then the above code could produce an error 
>> like.
>>   invalid operation: sum += v (mismatched types int and *for range index*
>> )
>> The name of the new type could be something like *intforrangeindex*. 
>>  Perhaps something shorter, like *intindex*, if searching existing (Go 
>> 1) code reveals no potential conflicts, which I suspect it wouldn't.
>> BTW My gut was that *intindex *should be a signed int type but maybe 
>> unsigned would not be a problem.
>> This would be a proposal for Go 2 as it would not be backward compatible. 
>>  However, existing code could be easily converted (go fix ?) by just adding 
>> a type cast.  For example, if the above code was actually intended it could 
>> be written as:
>>     sum := 0
>>     for v := range []int{1, 2, 3} {
>>         sum += int(v)
>>     }
>> I think this is a small but worthwhile addition to type safety.
>> Note that go vet does not currently detect this problem but maybe it 
>> should.  A language change is better though, since not all code is vetted.
>> I was also thinking that *intindex* could be a hidden internal type but 
>> of course you can declare a loop index like this:
>>     var i int // type would change to intindex in Go 2
>>     for i = range []int{1, 2, 3} {
>>         sum += i
>>     }

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