The following code will flash the found window on the task bar, but will 
not show it so I can see it.  I'm looking for something that is similar to 
takecommand by JPSoft, which has an activate command that will make the 
desired window pop up and be active.

package main

import (
   w32a ""
   ct ""
   ctfmt ""
   w32 ""
   // ps ""
   //""  I can't get this to be useful.
   //w32 ""  I also can't get this to be useful.
   //w32a ""
   // ct ""
   // ctfmt ""

const lastModified = "June 26, 2022"

const (
   SW_HIDE           = iota // 0 = hide window and activate another one
   SW_ShowNormal            // 1 = activates and displays a window.  If window 
is min'd or max'd, restores it to its original size and posn.  App should use 
this when 1st showing window.
   SW_ShowMinimized         // 2 = activate the window and display it minimized.
   SW_ShowMaximized         // 3 = activate the window and display it maximized.
   SW_ShowNoActivate        // 4 = display window in its most recent size and 
position, but window is not activated.
   SW_Show                  // 5 = activate window and display it in its 
current size and posn.
   SW_Minimize              // 6 = minimize window and activate the next 
top-level window in the Z-order.
   SW_MinNoActive           // 7 = display the window as a minimized window, 
but don't activate it.
   SW_ShowNA                // 8 = display the window in its current size and 
position, but don't activate it.
   SW_Restore               // 9 = activate and display the window, and if min 
or max restore it to its original size and posn.
   SW_ShowDefault           // 10 = sets the show state based on the SW_ value 
specified in the STARTUPINFO struct passed to the CreateProcess fcn by the pgm 
that started the app.
   SW_ForceMinimize         // 11 = minimize the window even if the thread that 
started it is not responding.  Should only be used for windows from a different 

var target = "w32" // this is a firefox window that's opened.

type htext struct {
   h         w32.HWND
   title     string // this is the title of the window as returned by 
   isWindow  bool
   isEnabled bool
   isVisible bool
   className string

func main() {
   fmt.Printf("w32 testing routine.  Last modified %s.  Compiled by %s\n",
      lastModified, runtime.Version())


   // w32 section

   foreground := w32.GetForegroundWindow() // this is the same as 
forgroundWindowH below.
   focus := w32.GetFocus()
   fmt.Printf(" ForegroundWindow()=%v, Getfocus() = %v\n", foreground, focus)

   activeWindowH := w32.GetActiveWindow()            // these are of type hwnd. 
 This one is zero.
   consoleWindowH := w32.GetConsoleWindow()          // this one is 69412 from 
both w32 and w32a routines
   desktopWindowH := w32.GetDesktopWindow()          // this one is 65552
   foregroundWindowH := w32.GetForegroundWindow()    // this one is 131244
   consoleW32a := w32a.GetConsoleWindow()            // this one is same as 
from w32, and is 69412 this run.
   topWindowH := w32.GetTopWindow(foregroundWindowH) // this one is 68854.
   fmt.Printf(" HWND for ... ActiveWindow = %d, ConsoleWindow = %d and %d, 
DesktopWindow = %d, ForegrndWin = %d, prev foregroundwin = %d, topwin=%d\n",
      activeWindowH, consoleWindowH, consoleW32a, desktopWindowH, 
foregroundWindowH, foreground, topWindowH)


   w32ProcessIDs, ok := w32.EnumAllProcesses()
   fmt.Printf(" EnumAllProcesses returned ok of %t and %d processes.\n\n", ok, 

   computerName := w32.GetComputerName()
   version := w32.GetVersion() // don't know what this means.
   fmt.Printf(" ComputerName = %v, version = %v\n\n", computerName, version)

   hwndText := make([]htext, 0, 1000) // magic number I expect will be large 

   enumCallBack := func(hwnd w32.HWND) bool {
      if hwnd == 0 {
         return false

      ht := htext{
         h:         hwnd,
         title:     strings.ToLower(w32.GetWindowText(hwnd)),
         isWindow:  w32.IsWindow(hwnd),
         isEnabled: w32.IsWindowEnabled(hwnd),
         isVisible: w32.IsWindowVisible(hwnd),
      ht.className, _ = w32.GetClassName(hwnd)
      hwndText = append(hwndText, ht)
      return true
   ctfmt.Printf(ct.Green, true, " \n Found %d elements in the hwnd text slice. 
\n Now will find the target of %q.\n", len(hwndText), target)

   var ctr int
   var found bool

   for i, ht := range hwndText {
      if ht.title == "" {
         continue // skip the Printf and search


      fmt.Printf(" i:%d; hwnd %d, title=%q, isWndw %t, isEnbld %t, isVis %t; 
className = %q\n",
         i, ht.h, ht.title, ht.isWindow, ht.isEnabled, ht.isVisible, 
ht.className) // className is of type string.

      if ctr%40 == 0 && ctr > 0 {
         if pause() { // allows exiting the test if 'n' is hit.

      if target != "" && strings.Contains(ht.title, target) {
         found = true
      } else {
         found = false

      if found {
         ctfmt.Printf(ct.Yellow, true, " window is found.  Will now attempt to 
activate it.\n")
         hWnd := ht.h

         ctfmt.Printf(ct.Magenta, true, " hWnd = %d\n", hWnd)
         ok2 := w32.ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_ShowNormal)
         time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
         ok3 := w32.ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_Restore)
         time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
         ok4 := w32.ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_Show)
         time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
         ok6 := w32.ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_Restore)
         time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
         ok7 := w32.SetForegroundWindow(hWnd)
         fmt.Printf(" hwnd[%d]=%d, ShowWindow Normal = %t, Restore = %t, Show = 
%t, Restore = %t and setforegroundwindow = %t.\n",
            i, hWnd, ok2, ok3, ok4, ok6, ok7)


func pause() bool {
   fmt.Print(" Pausing.  Hit <enter> to continue.  Or 'n' to exit  ")
   var ans string
   ans = strings.ToLower(ans)
   if strings.Contains(ans, "n") {
      return true
   return false

On Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 10:18:02 AM UTC-4 Howard C. Shaw III wrote:

> On what basis are you using globs ("*lient*", etc) in FindWindow? If I 
> understand correctly, the w32 and w32a packages are just wrapping Windows 
> APIs, so the semantics of the use should match the equivalent use of the 
> windows API. The documentation for FindWindow says "Retrieves a handle to 
> the top-level window whose class name and window name match the specified 
> strings." - that does not appear to me to be implying that it supports 
> globbing.
> See this relevant question on StackOverflow: 
> You might find the EnumWindows function more useful, as you can loop over 
> the returned windows, and use GetClassName and GetWindowText to get some 
> text you can then compare against.

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