I'm wondering if it would be useful to build benchmark regression detection
into Go test benchmarks, and policy enforcement in terms of making
regressions fail a benchmark "test".

If I understand correctly, as Go benchmarks currently stand, they tell you
the numbers, but it's left to you to interpret them, store them, compare
them, and enforce policies around them. For Go users who aren't performance
and benchmarking experts, it would be useful to build in a simple process
for doing this. Perhaps benchmark "bars" could be stored under $GOPATH like
fuzz data, and a benchmark bar could be specified or saved in the package

This would be useful for any project that had a policy of no performance
regressions, or only permitting a certain amount of regression, such
as a browser
renderer <https://nicoverbruggen.be/blog/webkit-no-regression-policy>. The
Go Team could use it to track Go performance and enforce its own regression
policies for Go changes.

Perhaps something like this:

$ pwd

$ ls
go.mod go.sum proj.go proj_test.go

$ go test -bench . # result saved under $GOPATH
BenchmarkThing   5000000               500 ns/op
ok      github.com/my/proj       3.0s

$ vi proj.go # make changes

$ go test -bench . # much slower
BenchmarkThing   5000000               900 ns/op
ok      github.com/my/proj       3.1s

$ vi proj.go # revert changes

$ go test -bench . # much faster
BenchmarkThing   5000000               501 ns/op
ok      github.com/my/proj       3.0s

$ ls
go.mod go.sum proj.go proj_test.go

$ go test -bench . -benchsave # save benchmark bar to go.bench
BenchmarkThing   5000000               502 ns/op
ok      github.com/my/proj       3.0s

$ ls
go.bench go.mod go.sum proj.go proj_test.go

$ vi proj.go # make changes

$ go clean -benchcache # delete results saved under $GOPATH

$ go test -bench . # compares to go.bench
BenchmarkThing   5000000               901 ns/op
ok      github.com/my/proj       3.1s


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