As I understand, it will execute in parallel by default.  There's a pool of 
threads for running goroutines, defaulting initially to the number of 
cores. If a syscall blocks, then other threads will continue to run - and 
(I think) an extra thread is started too.

> But still I had to use sync.WaitGroup to actually make the main 
go-routine wait before this file write happens.

Doesn't that prove that the main goroutine and the file write/flush 
goroutine are taking place in parallel?

On Wednesday, 15 June 2022 at 18:10:01 UTC+2 wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to make a key-value store like LevelDB from scratch for 
> learning about database internals. I got stuck in a place where I need to 
> flush some data to disk file parallely while the main thread is executing 
> reads and writes. I tried writing it as a go-routine but as I understand 
> it, the go-routine (for flushing data to disk) starts executing but blocks 
> at file write and switches back to main go-routine. 
> When I tried to print how many cores go runtime was using with 
> runtime.NumCPU(), I got 12 as the result. But still I had to use 
> sync.WaitGroup to actually make the main go-routine wait before this file 
> write happens.
> I'm relatively new to writing concurrent programs in Go. Is there any way 
> to make it execute paralley?
> Thanks

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