And just as an aside, I think you would be interested in the talk 
"Rethinking Classical Concurrency Patterns" by Bryan C. Mills

On Sunday, 12 June 2022 at 05:06:47 UTC+1 wrote:

> That's a very clear explanation, it's obvious what the problem is now. 
> Thank you!
> On Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 9:36:59 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>> sync.Cond does not affect goroutine scheduling priority, and Signal only 
>> makes the waiting goroutine available to be scheduled, but not force it to 
>> be.
>> After a Signal() (and Unlock()), every other waiting worker and the 
>> flusher then contends (fairly) for the lock.
>> What you want appears a better fit for either channels (send everything 
>> to the flusher) or just inlining the check+flush logic into writeEvent,
>> essentially a proper serialization of events
>> See also: 
>> > On top of that, condition variables are fiendishly difficult to use: 
>> they are prone to either missed or spurious signals [citation needed]
>> - sean
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 3:27 PM Kevin Burke <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Recently I inherited some code in production that was hitting an error 
>>> case that I didn't think should be possible to hit. I reduced it down to 
>>> this test case. To be clear, there are several different ways to improve 
>>> the code here, but I'd like to understand why it's behaving the way it does 
>>> first. 
>>> You should be able to just do "go test ." here to reproduce the error: 
>>> What the code is doing:
>>>    - Multiple different goroutines are taking a sync.Cond lock and then 
>>>    appending data to a shared buffer.
>>>    - A "flush" goroutine calls sync.Cond.Wait() to wait for an incoming 
>>>    signal that data has been appended
>>>    - Each goroutine that appends to the buffer calls Signal() after the 
>>>    write, to try to wake up the "flush" goroutine
>>> I *expect* that the flush goroutine will wake up after each call to 
>>> Signal(), check whether the batch is ready to be flushed, and if not go 
>>> back to sleep. 
>>> What I see instead is that lots of other goroutines are taking out the 
>>> lock before the flush goroutine can get to it, and as a result we're 
>>> dropping data.
>>> I didn't expect that to happen based on my reading of the docs for 
>>> sync.Cond, which (to me) indicate that Signal() will prioritize a goroutine 
>>> that calls Wait() (instead of any other goroutines that are waiting on 
>>> sync.Cond.L). Instead it looks like it's just unlocking any goroutine? 
>>> Maybe this is because the thread that is calling Signal() holds the lock?
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> Kevin
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