I'm really confusing.

> That doesn't make sense to me. ifn and tfn need to refer to executable 
The code is copied from 
, why is it working here?

>  ifn and tfn need to refer to executable code.
I followed your advice and changed the code to `tfn: 
 resolveReflectText(ifn.ptr)`, but it still gave the same error.

After I changed the `methodReceiver` func in `value.go` file, calling 
`Dan.Method(0).Call([]reflect.Value{})` didn't panic any more,
ifn := v.typ.textOff(m.ifn)
fn = unsafe.Pointer(&ifn)
fn := v.typ.textOff(m.ifn)
Why is `methodReceiver` taking address of `ifn` considering ifn is already 
a pointer to the function?

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