I use Windows and Kaspersky. I build Go from source. I don't have such 

On Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 2:59:09 AM UTC+7 Amnon wrote:

> My workaround is not to use Windows.
> And not to use anti-virus programs that thing all Go programs are viruses.
> On Friday, 13 May 2022 at 16:21:31 UTC+1 drro...@gmail.com wrote:
>> My work around is to compile using  -ldflags="-s -w"
>> This has worked for the cases when my files make Windows unhappy.  I 
>> reported it as a bug to Microsoft months ago; I see that they got right on 
>> it.
>> --rob solomon
>> On Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 11:50:20 AM UTC-4 Rusco wrote:
>>> Regarding: "compile a simple helloworld main ...": 
>>> My workaround is to insert a
>>>   import "C"
>>> among the other imports. It somehow alters the structure of the binary 
>>> created and my av no more recognizes the binary. This is actually something 
>>> which never happened when I am doing some Rust work.  
>>> Might help.
>>> On Friday, 29 April 2022 at 11:22:38 UTC+1 Paolo C. wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I noticed that if you download golang portable zip for aMD64 and upload 
>>>> the
>>>> go.exe or gofnt.exe to virustotal one av complains.
>>>> If you compile a simple helloword main and upload, 4 or 5 minor av 
>>>> complain.
>>>> Anyone has this issue too?
>>>> I tested this from many machines, some completely virgin, so it should 
>>>> not be my environment.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Paolo

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