Thanks for your demonstration, Brian.
Actually my code involving cgo is quite like your first case, like this

*log("start testing")*
*go func{*
*  for*
*      select*
*      case a: <=receiving*
*      case <- killsig*

*( meanwhile the cgo of the dll will call back go functions to fill
receiving channel)*
*time.Sleep(3 * time.Seconds)*

*disconnect and log*
*killsig <- true*

Strangely I found the start testing and disconnect log clustered and the
disconnect  did actually happen. Then I switch back to the sequential case
that the receiving channel gots filled without receiving until
disconnection. It works now.

I am really curious about your example on select -  is it a try... except
alternative? Can it be used in other scenarios?
func Fill(ch chan int, k int) {
    select {
    case ch <- k:
        // sent
        // discard

On Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 3:12 PM Brian Candler <> wrote:

> On Friday, 15 April 2022 at 06:47:09 UTC+1 wrote:
>> When one server finds something wrong, it sends out a request to another
>> server for help.
>> Then it makes a log and then a ticker to recheck the situation again and
>> again and in the meantime, to receive a response from that server that
>> indicates everything is fine.
>> So here is a gap between sending help and getting ready to receive the
>> "ok" response. It is a tiny gap but it is not possible that the other
>> server sends the "ok" message back through TCP connection just in this gap.
>> Yes my program handles the TCP message as always, in this case sends back
>> through the channel to the goroutine that has not prepared the select for
>> ticker channel and  ok-receiving channel. Uh-oh, deadlock, crash! What is
>> your suggestion? buffered channel?
> TCP sockets and Go channels are two completely different things.
> But in either case, if a receiver becomes ready before the sender, it's
> fine.  The receiver just waits for data to arrive.
> And if the receiver is not ready first, it's also fine.  The sender will
> send up to the buffer size (in the case of a buffered channel), and after
> that it will pause until the receiver is ready.  (In the case of TCP you
> have quite a lot of buffering in network sockets; typically it could send a
> megabyte or more before it pauses).
> A pause is not a "deadlock".  A pause is just waiting until it's OK to
> proceed.
> In this case you already admit that opportunity that the sending happens
>> when the receiver is not ready.
> And there is no problem at all. It really doesn't matter if the sender
> becomes ready first, or the receiver becomes ready first.  Here are two
> concrete examples, using an unbuffered channel:
> Aside: in those examples I have used a sync.WaitGroup to ensure that the
> main program doesn't terminate until both the goroutines have completed.
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