On Wed, 2022-03-09 at 18:58 -0800, shan...@gmail.com wrote:
> This morning someone asked about dereferincing a pointer to a pointer
> to a pointer
> At first nobody had ever thought about, let alone knew the answer,
> but some example code was shown, and sure enough ***val is possible
> ```
> package main
> import "fmt"
> func main() {
>         a := 0
>         b := &a
>         c := &b
>         UltimatePointOne(&c)
>         fmt.Println(a)
> }
> func UltimatePointOne(n ***int) {
>         ***n = 1
> }
> ```
> On a lark a go playground example was tried to find what the maximum
> * is in Go
> https://go.dev/play/p/YhibY3p7TSD
> There's 28 there, but it's not the limit
> Does anyone know what the upper bound on this could be?
> 256 * ?
> 32k * ?

I think aspects of this thread are sad. None of us know the background
of the OP and this kind of thinking illustrates a joyful level of
curiosity that could have been answered in a way that helps the
questioner and build a positive community (for Shane, Rob did answer it
and in way that is really quite deep, and thinking about how he
answered it will teach you something that is worth learning).

Calling a question "silly" demeans the questioner without understanding
where they are coming from.


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