A linked list, for example, consists of pointers to pointers to pointers...

Why should any limit exist to the length of the list except resources

On Thu, Mar 10, 2022, 03:59 shan...@gmail.com <shane....@gmail.com> wrote:

> This morning someone asked about dereferincing a pointer to a pointer to a
> pointer
> At first nobody had ever thought about, let alone knew the answer, but
> some example code was shown, and sure enough ***val is possible
> ```
> package main
> import "fmt"
> func main() {
>         a := 0
>         b := &a
>         c := &b
>         UltimatePointOne(&c)
>         fmt.Println(a)
> }
> func UltimatePointOne(n ***int) {
>         ***n = 1
> }
> ```
> On a lark a go playground example was tried to find what the maximum * is
> in Go
> https://go.dev/play/p/YhibY3p7TSD
> There's 28 there, but it's not the limit
> Does anyone know what the upper bound on this could be?
> 256 * ?
> 32k * ?
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