It's because os.FileInfo is an interface, not a concrete type.
Specifically, it's an alias for io/fs.FileInfo. The concrete type returned
by os.Stat() is os.fileStat; a struct that implements the os.FileInfo
interface. While you can't refer to a private type like os.fileStat there
is nothing prohibiting the os package from returning a private type that
satisfies an interface. See, for example,

On Sun, Mar 6, 2022 at 11:47 AM <>

> (go version go1.17.7 linux/amd64)
> Consider the following trivial program:
> ------
> package main
> import (
>         "fmt"
>         "os"
> )
> func main() {
>         file := "."
>         fileinfo, _ := os.Stat(file)
>         fmt.Printf("type of fileinfo = %T\n", fileinfo)
> }
> ------
> This runs and produces the output
> type of fileinfo = *os.fileStat
> Fine, but notice that "fileStat" isn't capitalized. This means this symbol
> isn't
> exported outside the "os" package. Yet, somehow the "fileinfo" variable is
> assigned
> this type.
> Indeed, if I try to explicitly use the "os.fileStat" type in the program,
> the program fails to compile, e.g.
> ------------
> package main
> import (
>         "fmt"
>         "os"
> )
> func main() {
>         var fileinfo *os.fileStat
>         file := "."
>         fileinfo, _ = os.Stat(file)
>         fmt.Printf("type of fileinfo = %T\n", fileinfo)
> }
> -----
> results in
> ./x3.go:9:16: cannot refer to unexported name os.fileStat
> ./x3.go:12:14: cannot assign fs.FileInfo to fileinfo (type *os.fileStat)
> in multiple assignment: need type assertion
> ./x3.go:12:14: cannot use fs.FileInfo value as type *os.fileStat in
> assignment: need type assertion
> Notice the first error message.
> I also don't understand why the other two error message are produced when
> all I did was to explicitly declare a variable that was previously assigned
> a value in a short declaration.
> What am I missing?
> Cordially,
> Jon Forrest
> --
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Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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