On Wednesday, 23 February 2022 at 13:51:23 UTC yan.z...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Brian!
> Your code with a map of channels is quite impressive! How can I test if 
> the code has no races in case I have many go files inside a folder? 
> `go build -race`?

I believe so (or "go build -race ." with the dot)

Now, I was thinking to myself that the race detector isn't necessary here.  
Since there are no global variables and no pointers being passed over 
channels, it's provably race-free.

But there is one wrinkle, which is that interface values are implicitly 
boxed pointers. Roughly speaking, the box contains a <type, pointer> pair.

Now, I believe that interface values are copied before being boxed/unboxed, 
and I believe that it's not possible to use interfaces for aliasing, in a 
way that mutating one copy of the interface value affects another one. But 
I don't know where exactly it says so in the language spec.  At least, I've 
not found a way to make this aliasing happen:

If that's guaranteed by the language, then the code is good as it stands, 
but it remains a subtle point.  The only reason I used an interface in the 
first place was as a way of carrying different structs over the same 
channel, effectively using it as a tagged union.

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