
I was handed proof-of-concept app written in Python. It seems 
underdeveloped, buggy and running it first time is a pain, because of 
dependencies. Basically it need to read some graphs stored in JSON files 
and manipulated them accordingly and write them to JSON files again.

It seems that porting it now to more suitable language is worth a gain at 
this stage and I wonder if Go is a good choice? I read and watch many Ian 
Lance Taylor presentations about generics, so I know that only that generic 
graph (tree) data structure is something that can be a pain,  but in this 
case it would be were small issue. It seems that we have only few data 
types to be stored in graph, mostly strings and ints.

I'm not true gopher, so I don't know if Go is proper choice for this task. 
I don't believe that Python is any better, but maybe I should check another 

Also, if someone know better thing to sore graphs than JSON, I would 
appreciate it any suggestion.

I don't write anymore about this app, since I don't know if company allows 
for it.

Best regards,

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