On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 6:44 AM frankre...@gmail.com
<frankrehwin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://github.com/golang/go/issues/49741
> x/net/http2: http.Server.WriteTimeout does not fire if the http2 stream's 
> window is out of space. #49741
> The 1.17 back port issue:
> x/net/http2: http.Server.WriteTimeout does not fire if the http2 stream's 
> window is out of space. [1.17 backport] #49921
> Loaded go1.17.6 on Mac and  Linux machines. Saw the release notes say issue 
> #49741 is cherry-picked as #49921. Looked at the issue and found a very 
> concise hanging example and expected the example would no longer hang. But it 
> hangs on both Mac and Linux.
> I admit to being confused by how the x/net/http2 source is being vendored. I 
> did not find the source files in the go1.17.6 source tree created from the 
> go1.17.6.tar.gz download.

The x/net/http2 sources are bundled into the generated file

> Here's the example @davecheney provided:

That program is always going to hang, because the main function never
returns.  I'm not sure what the buggy behavior is here.


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