On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 08:41:23 UTC lege...@gmail.com wrote:

> What I think it's not so good is that I must add the select at all the 
> places the goroutine is waiting or looping

I don't think you do.  Well-behaved functions which take a Context will 
return with an error if the context is cancelled - and presumably you're 
already checking for an error, so it doesn't make any difference.

If you're waiting for communication on a channel, then you *may* need to 
check for context.  But if you're reading from a channel, and the context 
propagates to the other goroutine, and the other goroutine closes the 
channel, then that's not an issue either.

When it becomes a bit awkward is with IO on sockets, since 
io.Reader/io.Writer don't have a context.  There is a long discussion at 
#20280 <https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20280>, and I made some notes 
here <https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20280#issuecomment-655588450>.  
The pattern which was explained to me is that you can have a separate 
thread which waits for the context close, and then sets a read or write 
deadline on the IO; that will cause an ongoing operation to terminate 

I don't know if there's a DNS client library which implements this pattern. 

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