On Tue, 2022-01-04 at 08:29 -0800, Brieuc Jeunhomme wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing code that uses the golang.org/x/sys/windows/svc package.
> This package compiles only for windows builds, for other GOOS values,
> I get a build error.  That's fair, but I'm wondering how to unit test
> the code that calls svc functions when working on a non-windows
> environment.  So code that looks like:
> func myFunction() {
>     svc.Foo(make(chan svc.Bar))
> }
> Is there a well known way to do that, or am I missing something

You can use build constraints, for example `// +build windows` and `//
+build !windows` to selectively build the tests only on the desired


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