On Friday, November 12, 2021 at 6:29:46 PM UTC-5 michael...@gmail.com wrote:

> FWIW (which may not be much) I've settled on explicitly naming my return 
> values in the function declaration.  If the function returns include an 
> error, I name always name it err. The general pattern is
> func foo() (v someType, err error) {
>   err = doSomething()
>   if err != nil {
>     err = fmt.Errorf("some context: %v", err)
>     return
> }
>   err = doNextThing()
>   if err != nil {
>      err = fmt.Errorf("some context: %v", err)
>      return
>   }
> // etc
> return
> }
As Brian mentioned above, naked return values are generally frowned upon. 
You can easily find the arguments if you like, but even the official tour 
of go (at https://tour.golang.org/basics/7)  says: 

"Naked return statements should be used only in short functions, as with 
the example shown here. They can harm readability in longer functions."

That's a pretty official caution. Personally, I am very much in that camp. 
In my experience, naked returns harm readability in all cases, just less in 
short functions.

So this is probably not a good pattern to use as your default one. 


> Naming the error solves the initial := problem.  As for shadowing, I make 
> it a point never to do a := assignment involving err. For example, if I 
> need to call os.Open, I do
> var f *os.File
> f, err = os.Open(...)
> I tend to use other names for errors only when it's something I can fix 
> within the local scope.
> At first I tried hard to avoid the verbosity.  Now I use a few helpful 
> snippets to reduce keystrokes and an editor plugin the partially fades any 
> block that starts with "if err != nil".  The latter works amazingly well 
> (for me at least) to reduce visual clutter.  I like it much better than one 
> I tried that auto-folds error blocks.  It made me waste time unfolding them 
> to see what was inside :-)
> YMMV, of course.
> On Friday, November 12, 2021 at 11:15:21 AM UTC-5 david....@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 7:48 AM Miguel Angel Rivera Notararigo <
>> ntr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I tend to use errX (X is adapted according to context) for function 
>>> scoped errors, and err for block scoped errors
>>> func MyFunc() error {
>>>>   v, errDS := doSomething()
>>>>   ...
>>>>   errDA := doAnotherthing()
>>>> }
>>> if err := doAnotherthing(); err != nil {
>>>> return err
>>>> }
>>> That way you don't shadow errors.
>> I can't +1 this enough.
>> I've caught *so* many bugs from shadowed errors (and re-used error 
>> variables). I consider it a rather bad anti-pattern to have a single err 
>> variable 
>> that's reused throughout a scope.
>> If you have unique error variable names and you forget to do something 
>> with an error that you've assigned a name you automatically get unused 
>> variable compile-errors. (just this is enough to be worthwhile)
>> With that said, constraining the scope using the initializer statement on 
>> an if (or switch) statement suffices when you don't need any other return 
>> values, at which point I may use the err variable-name (although I often 
>> make those unique for clarity anyway).
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