Ah, thanks for that info -- glad somebody is reading the docs ... :-) Seems
like you're well ahead of me here. I'd be interested to hear what others
have done, or what you end up with. -Ben

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:18 PM mi...@ubo.ro <mi...@ubo.ro> wrote:

> That would work great but the documentation on RoundTriper specifically
> forbids it[0]. Unless I get it wrong(do I?) you are not allowed to read the
> response within RoundTrip. The request needs to be .Clone-ed as well but
> that's not an issue.
> [0] https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#RoundTripper
> // RoundTrip should not attempt to interpret the response. In
> // particular, RoundTrip must return err == nil if it obtained
> // a response, regardless of the response's HTTP status code.
> // A non-nil err should be reserved for failure to obtain a
> // response. Similarly, RoundTrip should not attempt to
> // handle higher-level protocol details such as redirects,
> // authentication, or cookies.
> // RoundTrip should not modify the request
> *On 27/10/2021 02:09, Ben Hoyt wrote:*
> *Oh, I see. An "ExecuteHTTP" function seems reasonable, but yeah, if you
> need an *http.Client, I think you have to customize the
> Transport/Roundtripper. You mention in your initial email that RoundTripper
> "forbids you from even reading the response headers", but I don't think
> that's the case, right?*
> *For example, here's a custom "AuthTransport":*
> *type AuthTransport struct {     AuthHeader string}func (t *AuthTransport)
> RoundTrip(request *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
> request.Header.Set("X-My-Auth", t.AuthHeader)     response, err :=
> http.DefaultTransport.RoundTrip(request)     if err != nil {         return
> nil, err     }     if response.StatusCode == 403 ||
> response.Header.Get("WWW-Authenticate") != "" {         fmt.Println("Would
> retry here")     }    return response, nil}*
> *and then you'd instantiate your http.Client like so:*
> *client := &http.Client{    Timeout:   5 * time.Second,    Transport:
> &AuthTransport{AuthHeader: "abcd1234"},}*
> *Did that not work for you?*
> *-Ben*
> On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 1:52:18 AM UTC+3 mi...@ubo.ro wrote:
>> Thanks for your help. I'm aware I can set the headers that way but the
>> authentication transport also needs to inspect the response headers and
>> optionally re-submit the request based on the headers received. That's part
>> of the "negotiation" mechanism. That's because we don;t know what
>> authentication scheme is supported by the remote party until we receive the
>> actual response/headers from a blind request.
>> Below is a simple use case:
>>   - the http client executes a reques with no authentication.
>>   - we receive a status code 403 along with a www-header indicating that
>> oauth2 authentication is supported.
>>    - we resend the request with appropriate oauth2 headers.
>> Note that we had to read the response code and response headers so that
>> we can re-send the request.  This is the part that I wish I could automate
>> using the http.RoundTripper.
>>  The alternative is to either handle the response manually after each
>> request or create a custom endpoint < i.e. func ExecuteHTTP(*http.Client,
>> *http.Request)(*http.Response, error) >  that handles the response headers
>> and retries the requests using the proper authentication headers.
>> In both cases you loose the flexibility to use a http client that does
>> all this in the background.
>> Some packages (i.e ElasticSearch package) support configuration using
>> your own http client. However you cannot pass a custom `ExecuteHTTP`
>> function to ElasticSearch so it becomes quite hard to hack the
>> authentication/negotiation.
>> - Mihai.
>> On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 1:32:24 AM UTC+3 ben...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure what these proprietary auth schemes look like (and don't
>>> know much about oauth2 or NTLM), but for many kinds of auth you'd just set
>>> headers in the request and read them in the body. For example:
>>>     request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://httpbin.org/get";,
>>> nil)
>>>     // handle err
>>>     request.Header.Set("X-My-Auth", "abcd1234")
>>>     response, err := client.Do(request)
>>>     // handle err
>>>     // handle response
>>> Runnable code example here:
>>> https://play.golang.org/p/cocv1avzNCo
>>> And of course you can roll your own function to create a new request
>>> with auth headers already applied. Would this kind of thing work for you?
>>> -Ben
>>> On Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 2:05:15 PM UTC+13 mi...@ubo.ro wrote:
>>>> I find myself in need to handle various authentication schemes such
>>>> "proprietary" oauth2 schemes and NTLM. The easy and clean way to do it (API
>>>> wise) would be using a http.RoundTripper but looks like it forbids you from
>>>> even reading the response headers.
>>>>  In the end I just made a ``func
>>>> DoHTTPRequestWithAuthenticationHandling(cl *http.Client, req
>>>> *http.Request)(*http.Response, error)`` function that just wraps  net/
>>>> http.Client.Do(), clones the request and response if it's necessary
>>>> and negotiates the authentication scheme. It's basically what I wanted to
>>>> do within http.RoundTripper except now the user of the http.Client needs to
>>>> always remember to execute the requests the right way (i.e. using a
>>>> different function) instead of http.Do.
>>>> Is there a better way to do it? Would it be a good idea  in Go 2.0
>>>>  make http.Client an interface to prevent this kind of
>>>> limitation/workarounds?
>>> --
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