Where did you install `go` from and what's the output of `go env` for both 

On Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 8:25:06 AM UTC+2 Igor Chubin wrote:

> Thank you for your answers!
> This is definitely not in the cache, because the problem exists everywhere,
> including new containers and new cloud instances.
> I can test it with 1.14 and 1.15 too; I don't think that the problem is 
> specific
> for 1.13 only.
> You say, that the security error is correct: but how can it be then it is 
> detected
> by only one of the Go versions and is ignored by the other?
> On Monday, August 16, 2021 at 7:57:49 PM UTC+2 jayc...@google.com wrote:
>> This doesn't seem like a problem with Go versions. The security error is 
>> correct. It looks like the module author tagged v1.1.1 with this go.mod 
>> file <https://proxy.golang.org/github.com/tredoe/osutil/@v/v1.1.1.mod> then 
>> changed the tag to point to a different commit with this file 
>> <https://github.com/tredoe/osutil/blob/v1.1.1/go.mod>.
>> The file on proxy.golang.org is hashed and included in the checksum 
>> database. It looks like the hash 
>> <https://sum.golang.org/lookup/github.com/tredoe/osutil@v1.1.1> there is 
>> h1:fx79htI3WZA9Ep4jphLFq06l3iRDimfOWTrkKOz+OAA=. 
>> That's the correct one to put in go.sum.
>> The incorrect version may still be in your module cache. You can remove 
>> it with `go clean -modcache` (though this will remove everything else 
>> there, too).
>> On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 9:19 AM Ian Lance Taylor <ia...@golang.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 9:11 AM Igor Chubin <ig...@chub.in> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > When I generate `go.sum` with go 1.16, and try to build it with go of 
>>> a different version (1.13 in my case), I get `SECURITY ERROR`:
>>> >
>>> > ```
>>> > verifying github.com/tredoe/osu...@v1.1.1/go.mod 
>>> <http://github.com/tredoe/osutil@v1.1.1/go.mod>: checksum mismatch
>>> > downloaded: h1:fx79htI3WZA9Ep4jphLFq06l3iRDimfOWTrkKOz+OAA=
>>> > go.sum:     h1:wHEjPMepmXQXkZhf9H4sQcCtmC45KuFo5VR97zG9/dY=
>>> >
>>> > This download does NOT match an earlier download recorded in go.sum.
>>> > The bits may have been replaced on the origin server, or an attacker 
>>> may
>>> > have intercepted the download attempt.
>>> >
>>> > For more information, see 'go help module-auth'.
>>> > ```
>>> >
>>> > Then I fix (remove the entry and run `go mod tidy`) `go.sum` and try 
>>> to build it again. It works with 1.13, but the problem appears then with 
>>> 1.16.
>>> >
>>> > So there should be some incompatibility between Go 1.13 and 1.16 (not 
>>> sure exactly when it was introduced, so don't know about 1.14 and 1.15).
>>> >
>>> > Currently, as a workaround, I added this to my build scripts:
>>> >
>>> > ```
>>> > sed -i /osutil/d go.sum \
>>> > && go mod download github.com/tredoe/osutil
>>> > ```
>>> >
>>> > but it is not a real solution, of course.
>>> >
>>> > How am I supposed to fix this problem?
>>> We no longer support Go 1.13.
>>> You can probably work around this problem temporarily and insecurely
>>> by setting the GONOSUMDB environment variable.  See the mentions of
>>> GONOSUMDB at https://pkg.go.dev/cmd/go.
>>> Ian
>>> -- 
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