messageId := r.URL.Query()["id"][0]
 out, err := os.Create("./upload/" + messageId + ".mp3")

 if err != nil {
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "Unable to create the file for writing. Check your write 
access privilege")

i added this portion but i am getting an error while trying to upload a 
file using curl
 error in server is :panic serving runtime error: index 
out of range [0] with length 0
what is the reason??

On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 02:14:13 UTC+5:30 Tobias S. wrote:

> Sorry, I misunderstood your problem, so my code snippet is probably 
> useless for you. But I found this:
> The code sample can be fixed easily and should be what you are after.  I 
> guess it is also better to adapt then the example you cited. 
> Entefunc webUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
>  file, header, err := r.FormFile("file") // the FormFile function takes in 
> the POST input id file
>  if err != nil {
>     fmt.Fprintln(w, err)
>     return
>  }
>  defer file.Close()
>  // My error comes here
>  messageId := r.URL.Query()["id"][0]
>  out, err := os.Create("./upload/" + messageId + ".mp3")
>  if err != nil {
>     fmt.Fprintf(w, "Unable to create the file for writing. Check your 
> write access privilege")
>     return
>  }
>  defer out.Close()
>  // write the content from POST to the file
>  _, err = io.Copy(out, file)
>  if err != nil {
>     fmt.Fprintln(w, err)
>  }
>  fmt.Fprintf(w,"File uploaded successfully : ")
>  fmt.Fprintf(w, header.Filename)
> }r code here...
> On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 3:56:09 PM UTC+2, Budh Ram wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I am newbie in Go language.
>> I am writing a small HttpServer in Go where I want to upload file to this 
>> server using curl approach as:
>>> curl --upload-file foo.txt http://localhost:9090/rp.txt
>> I am getting following server logs: 
>> I searched through docs, existing codes but the closest I found is file 
>> upload using web 
>> <>.
>> Following is my code for HttpServe which I need to update to accept file 
>> content and save in server:
>>> package main
>>>> import (
>>>   "fmt"
>>>   "net/http"
>>> )
>>>> func main() {
>>>   http.Handle("/", http.HandlerFunc(upload))
>>>   http.ListenAndServe("localhost:9090", nil)
>>> }
>>>> func upload(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
>>>   fmt.Fprintf(w, "file name is : %s",req.URL.Path[1:])
>>>   fmt.Println("method :", req.Method)
>>>   fmt.Println("FileSize : ", req.ContentLength)
>>>   fmt.Println("Header : ",req.Header)
>>>   fmt.Println("Body : ",req.Body)
>>>   fmt.Println("Post form : ",req.PostForm)
>>> }
>> Please help

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