On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 12:43 AM Henry <henry.adisuma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are we talking about testing the domain logic or the data persistence? .
> If it is about testing data persistence, rephrasing my earlier response, we 
> do not test data persistence, not very thoroughly anyway, because it is 
> auto-generated by a tool. We did however thoroughly tested the tool (and the 
> code it generates) against actual common SQL databases. It is an upfront 
> investment, so that we do not have to do similar tests for the subsequent 
> projects.
> The tool is not open-source, but there are plenty of ORM and ORM-like open 
> source Go libraries around. You may consider writing your own. I think in the 
> long run, it is a worthy investment. When I first started it, I just wanted 
> to save time from having to write repetitive mapper for each data type. Our 
> data access code were quite fragile to changes. The manually typed SQL 
> commands were also error prone, and not everybody in the team is familiar 
> with various SQL dialects. So I wrote the tool to auto generate the necessary 
> code. The tool was then used by my colleagues, and over time they added their 
> own enhancement. Now every time there is a change, I just update the data 
> models, run the tool, and done.
> We do a test run against a copy of the actual database before deployment, and 
> the final test run against the actual database during deployment.

Thanks for sharing your experiences and approach to testing. I once
again read this is as taking a layered approach to testing.

I am curious about this point:

>We did however thoroughly tested the tool (and the code it generates) against 
>actual common SQL databases.

That sounds interesting - is the tool generating or is able to
generate SQL for different databases? That must have been a pretty big
effort to create such an abstraction.

> On Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 4:55:46 PM UTC+7 mlevi...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I'm not quite sure the intent is the same? Generating models only reduces 
>> the cognitive and time overhead of going back and forth from the code to the 
>> db. It does not test anything. Having a model that you are sure is a 
>> reflection of the db does not help you know that the logic going with it 
>> works? Maybe there is something I don't understand.
>> BTW I'm interested to know if you tool is open-source? Thx!
>> Le mar. 27 juil. 2021 à 11:49, Henry <henry.ad...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> We go-generate the mapping between the data models and the database. It was 
>>> tedious to write such tool, but it was a time well spent. Now we just work 
>>> with data models and not worry about testing the SQL instructions. 
>>> Occasionally, we use SQLite in-memory database to double-check certain 
>>> functionality work as intended.
>>> We also add code that allow the application to run tests against the actual 
>>> database during deployment.
>>> On Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 3:21:23 PM UTC+7 mlevi...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> IMO, specific mocks like DATA-DOG's tend to be complicated to use and have 
>>>> behaviors that should not appear in a mock, which would ideally tend to 
>>>> have no logic at all.
>>>> There are several mock packages that you can find here [and BTW if you 
>>>> have time to give feedback I'm currently working on my own, anyway that is 
>>>> completely unrelated].
>>>> It really depends on what you are looking for in terms of features. Do you 
>>>> need something that is able to error on syntax problems? That keeps track 
>>>> of the execution flow (i.e. if you insert data in your fake database, are 
>>>> you expecting it to be able to return it to you? Under what conditions?)?
>>>> Mocking complex systems like SQL databases is quite hard... What I have 
>>>> seen many times is just to have a "seed-based" local database that is used 
>>>> in local integration tests.
>>>> Another, quite efficient solution is to have a test suite's database 
>>>> initialized once and used for all subsequent unit tests. Once you have 
>>>> good unit tests for your database-interacting low-level functions, and 
>>>> integration tests for the whole flow, you can just mock the db behavior in 
>>>> other higher level unit tests because you know it'll work in production.
>>>> Hope this helps!
>>>> Le mar. 27 juil. 2021 à 10:04, Amit Saha <amits...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I am just looking at options to write tests for parts of my application 
>>>>> that interacts with a SQL database. So far it seems like the community 
>>>>> has few distinct schools of thought:
>>>>> - Mocks (For e.g. using https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock)
>>>>> - In-memory "real" DB solutions - such as tidb-lite for MySQL 
>>>>> (https://github.com/WangXiangUSTC/tidb-lite)
>>>>> - Container based functional/integration style testing
>>>>> It will be great to hear if anybody has some other experiences to share.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Amit.
>>>>> On Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 5:30:20 AM UTC+11 kyle.a...@gmail.com 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 3:54:08 PM UTC-4, vkoch...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> P.S. I don’t see  embedded versions of PostgreSQL or MySql. The SQLite 
>>>>>>> is not quite reach SQL implementation from enterprise point of view.
>>>>>> Maybe have a look at tidb? 
>>>>>> (https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/blob/master/docs/USAGE.md)
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