Some ways to do it:

Note that arrays are rarely used in Go. When in doubt, default to using a 
slice. I provided  slice examples as well. 
If you want to initialize a very large array or slice to a value other than 
the zero value, you could also use a loop. 

On Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 11:32:13 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> Hi all, it would be helpful for me if a small doubt of mine is resolved.
> I want to know how to create an array of structure instances  for a nested 
> structure. Let me write it
> type Strct1 struct {
>     val1 int
>      val2 int
> }
> type Strct2 struct {
>      Namce string
>       temp     Strct1
> }
> I want to create an array of instances for Strct2 and initialise it. 
> Please let me know how to do it.
> Thanks
> Nagaraj

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