On Sunday, 11 July 2021 at 10:21:53 UTC+1 Shulhan wrote:

> Assuming that you are not enabling Go module, anything under 
> "$HOME/go/src/" directory will be considered as importable. 

But you really, really SHOULD be using module mode.  You soon may not have 
any choice:
(although that change is now not going to be made for 1.17)

It's only one extra command to type:

go mod init example.com/myprog

(you can use whatever you like for the module name, if you're not planning 
on publishing it).  That creates go.mod in the current directory.  Then you 
can use

import "example.com/myprog/foo"

and it'll get the package from ./foo/ relative to where the go.mod file 


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