On Sat, Jun 26, 2021 at 11:59 PM Kavindu Gimhan Zoysa
<kavindu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have ran the commands in https://go.googlesource.com/gollvm/#installing, (I 
> did not run `ninja install-gollvm`). Then I set the path of bin folder to my 
> $PATH using `export PATH=<PATH_TO_INSTALLATION>build-debug/bin:$PATH`.
> Finally, I was able to run `go build/run test.go` successfully.
> But my problem is since I have already installed golang to my machine before 
> install gollvm, how do I verify that go build command picked gollvm, instead 
> of golang's compiler?

Run "go version" and look for "gccgo" or "gollvm" in the output.

Or, run "go build -x" to see exactly what commands it is running.


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