On 27/06/21, Brian Candler (b.cand...@pobox.com) wrote:
> > Shouldn't that result in a panic, even without -race?
> It's not *guaranteed* to panic when you make concurrent accesses to the 
> same map (hence the point of the race checker).  And having two structs 
> refer to the same map is no different to having two variables refer to the 
> same map.  
> For the OP: one way you could see this problem is if you ever copy 
> SearchResults by value:
> https://play.golang.org/p/LqwXQQzQ4VN
> Note the "go vet" warning here.  Have you tried running "go vet" on your 
> code?

Thanks for the very useful example.

I have completely overlooked the use of go vet, which has found a bunch of
"copies lock" and "passes lock by value" errors.


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