On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 11:27 PM Peng Deng <dws...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi, I have the following program
> package main
> /*
> #include <stdio.h>
> static void SayHello(const char* s) {
>     puts(s);
> }
> */
> import "C"
> func main() {
>     C.SayHello(C.CString("Hello, World\n"))
> }
> I want to compile this program to LLVM IR with gollvm, the compilation 
> instruction is as follows:
> llvm-goc -emit-llvm -c -O0 goc.go -o goc.bc
> The errors are as follows:
> goc.go:10:9: error: import file 'C' not found
> goc.go:13:5: error: reference to undefined name 'C'
> goc.go:13:16: error: reference to undefined name 'C'
> What's wrong with my compilation instruction? How could I compile this 
> program to LLVM IR?
> I would appreciate it if someone could help me.

Running llvm-goc is the equivalent of running "go tool compile".  It's
rarely what you want to do.  You should run the go tool, which is
probably named llvm-go.


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