On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 2:15 PM Joshua <joshua.oconno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My question is general, but for ease of communicating I'll use the specific 
> example I ran into.
> I'm very new and for my first project I'm working with the bleve library 
> [https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/blevesearch/bleve].
> One function I need, "Open", returns an interface, "Index".
> I'd like to write my own function to act on this interface, and given that I 
> have no idea what the dynamic value of the interface is, my first instinct is 
> to rather pass a pointer to the returned interface into my function.
> However, I see lots of calls of "If you're using pointers to interfaces a 
> lot, you probably don't understand them".
> Well, what am I not understanding?
> My worry is that I have no idea what dynamic type is lurking within the 
> interface, if it's a pointer to a struct, then I obviously don't mind passing 
> it into my function.
> However if it is in fact a humungous 1GB struct, then I really really don't 
> want to be copying that around willy-nilly.
> Is there a way in general to avoid this, without looking at the library 
> source code to see what the actual concrete type is?

In the current implementations a value of interface type is always a
pair of pointers.  Even if the value of interface type happens to
refer to a 1GB struct, copying the interface value, including passing
it to a function or returning it from a function, always just copies
two pointers.


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