The Go optimizing gc compiler and runtime are working as intended. The 
results are not strange. Nothing is broken. 


On Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 3:07:17 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> > you don't provide the Go version,
> My Go version is Go 1.16.3. (BTW, "go test" really should print Go version 
> in the first line).
> > you don't provide memory allocation statistics,
> There are no surprises in memory allocation statistics so I didn't mention 
> them.
> > you only provide results for a single data point.
> There are no surprises for small Ns. So I I didn't provide the results for 
> them.
> > I am unable reproduce your result.
> At least, you exactly reproduced my first observation: if N is large 
> enough, the one line implementations are fast as the others.
> And you partially reproduced my second observation: the InsertOneline 
> implementations 
> run faster for odd Ns than even Ns for large Ns.
> On Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 11:49:38 AM UTC-4 peterGo wrote:
>> For your sliceinsert microbenchmarks, you don't provide the Go version, 
>> you don't provide memory allocation statistics, and you only provide 
>> results for a single data point.
>> My results for several values of N:
>> There are significant differences in CPU performance for different values 
>> of N, ranging from 1:1 to 2:1 for append versus precise implementations.
>> I am unable reproduce your result.
>> Peter
>> On Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 4:52:32 AM UTC-4 wrote:
>>> package main
>>> import "testing"
>>> const N = 1615119
>>> // It is strange that if N is large enough,
>>> // the one line implementations are fast as the others.
>>> // And if N is odd number, the InsertOneline_Disassemble
>>> // implementation is about 10% faster than the others.
>>> func init() {
>>>     println("==================== N =", N)
>>> }
>>> func InsertOneline(s []int, k int, vs []int {
>>>     return append(s[:k], append(vs, s[k:]...)...)
>>> }
>>> func InsertOneline_Disassemble(s []int, k int, vs []int {
>>>     z := append(vs, s[k:]...)
>>>     return append(s[:k], z...)
>>> }
>>> func InsertVerbose(s []int, k int, vs []int {
>>>     if n := len(s) + len(vs); n <= cap(s) {
>>>         s2 := s[:n]
>>>         copy(s2[k+len(vs):], s[k:])
>>>         copy(s2[k:], vs)
>>>         return s2
>>>     }
>>>     s2 := make([]int, len(s) + len(vs))
>>>     copy(s2, s[:k])
>>>     copy(s2[k:], vs)
>>>     copy(s2[k+len(vs):], s[k:])
>>>     return s2
>>> }
>>> func InsertVerbose_b(s []int, k int, vs []int {
>>>     if n := len(s) + len(vs); n <= cap(s) {
>>>         s2 := s[:n]
>>>         copy(s2[k+len(vs):], s[k:])
>>>         copy(s2[k:], vs)
>>>         return s2
>>>     }
>>>     s2 := make([]int, 0, len(s) + len(vs))
>>>     s2 = append(s2, s[:k]...)
>>>     s2 = append(s2, vs...)
>>>     s2 = append(s2, s[k:]...)
>>>     return s2
>>> }
>>> func InsertVerbose_c(s []int, k int, vs []int {
>>>     if n := len(s) + len(vs); n <= cap(s) {
>>>         s2 := s[:n]
>>>         copy(s2[k+len(vs):], s[k:])
>>>         copy(s2[k:], vs)
>>>         return s2
>>>     }
>>>     s2 := append([]int(nil), make([]int, len(s) + len(vs))...)[:0]
>>>     s2 = append(s2, s[:k]...)
>>>     s2 = append(s2, vs...)
>>>     s2 = append(s2, s[k:]...)
>>>     return s2
>>> }
>>> var s1 []int
>>> func Benchmark_InsertOneline(b *testing.B) {
>>>     var x = make([]int, N)
>>>     var y = make([]int, N/2)
>>>     var k = N/5
>>>     b.ResetTimer()
>>>     for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
>>>         s1 = InsertOneline(x, k, y...)
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> var s1b []int
>>> func Benchmark_InsertOneline_Disassemble(b *testing.B) {
>>>     var x = make([]int, N)
>>>     var y = make([]int, N/2)
>>>     var k = N/2
>>>     b.ResetTimer()
>>>     for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
>>>         s1b = InsertOneline_Disassemble(x, k, y...)
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> var s2 []int
>>> func Benchmark_InsertVerbose(b *testing.B) {
>>>     var x = make([]int, N)
>>>     var y = make([]int, N/2)
>>>     var k = N/2
>>>     b.ResetTimer()
>>>     for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
>>>         s2 = InsertVerbose(x, k, y...)
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> var s3 []int
>>> func Benchmark_InsertVerbose_b(b *testing.B) {
>>>     var x = make([]int, N)
>>>     var y = make([]int, N/2)
>>>     var k = N/2
>>>     b.ResetTimer()
>>>     for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
>>>         s3 = InsertVerbose_b(x, k, y...)
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> var s4 []int
>>> func Benchmark_InsertVerbose_c(b *testing.B) {
>>>     var x = make([]int, N)
>>>     var y = make([]int, N/2)
>>>     var k = N/2
>>>     b.ResetTimer()
>>>     for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
>>>         s4 = InsertVerbose_c(x, k, y...)
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> The result:
>>> $ go test -bench=. -benchtime=3s
>>> ==================== N = 1615119
>>> goos: linux
>>> goarch: amd64
>>> pkg: a.y/bench/sliceinsert
>>> cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz
>>> Benchmark_InsertOneline-4                        693       4741509 ns/op
>>> Benchmark_InsertOneline_Disassemble-4            871       4194142 ns/op
>>> Benchmark_InsertVerbose-4                        764       4627334 ns/op
>>> Benchmark_InsertVerbose_b-4                      769       4958537 ns/op
>>> Benchmark_InsertVerbose_c-4                      661       4855514 ns/op

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