Thank you Jan, sorry for my bad english.
Do you mean in following case if anthoer goroutine is observing A and B, 
there is no possbility that A is 0 and B is 5? (assuming no other 
synchronization here)

var A, B int
func try() {
    defer func() { B = 5 }
    A = 3


在2021年5月12日星期三 UTC+8 下午10:48:43<Jan Mercl> 写道:

> On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 4:38 PM Ge <> wrote:
> >
> > According to there is such 
> an expression:
> > `A "defer" statement invokes a function whose execution is deferred to 
> the moment the surrounding function returns`
> >
> > Does `defer` ensure happens-before behaviour with non-defer code?
> Happens before talks/defines properties/behavior of concurrently
> executing goroutines. The deferred function is executed in the same
> goroutine as its surrounding function. Any HB relations wrt other
> goroutines are the same as if the deferred function was not deferred
> but explicitly called before just returning from the surrounding
> function.
> > However x86 allows out-of-order execution happening across function 
> calls,
> OOE and other peculiar CPU tricks should not be observable by the Go
> program, modulo some side channel attacks.

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