On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 3:21 PM natxo....@gmail.com
<natxo.ase...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I do not want to write a module, I just want to use a module. So how do I do 
> this? I am reading all the tutorials  listed on the go help modules output, 
> but at this point I do not need to write a module.

I don't know what "write a module" means, but to use a module (import
a package from within a module) your program needs the go.mod file.
Without it the build system does not and can not know where to get the
required module(s) from.

In the directory with your program do `$ go mod init example.com/foo`
(or whatever else) and `$ go mod tidy`. The last command figures out
the imported modules and writes them into the go.mod file with some
more info in the go.sum file. Then just `$ go build` should be able to
produce the executable.

Not tested, but that's what I recall.

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