torsdag 6. mai 2021 kl. 16:18:18 UTC+2 skrev

> On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 4:06 PM Øyvind Teig <> wrote:
>> If that confirmation really is a confirmation, then the "Mercl code" is 
>> still not a pri select that matches the pri select I was querying about.
> I don't believe it is. It took a while to wrap my head around it - 
> apologies for that.

Since it looks like this is a thread with "us talking with each other" and 
not "me discussing with you" I will try to comment in line for all where it 
would be applicable, in the view that it's you who know what Go does. 16 
new messages since I was here last time! (I only handle this at intervals, 
so that I can get some time with other things as well!-) 

But this one certainly needs a comment! No need to apologise! But I 
starting to get tired of myself hammering that I did not understand how 
*select-hi-default-select-hi-low* could possible work the way it was 
presented to work. I am indeed excited to read the next 16 messages, to see 
if that (now double) doubt still holds. But you made my day, Axel, I must 
admit that!

But yes, at this point I believe the specific property that is violated 
> that you'd be interested in is as I said in my last message, the guarantee 
> that "if the high-priority case becomes ready before (in the sense of the 
> memory model) the low-priority case, then the high-priority case will be 
> chosen".
> That's certainly a reasonable expectation to have from a priority select 
> and it is not a guarantee that the code we gave you, using nested selects 
> with defaults, provides.
> I believe we became hung up on the idea of what happens if the cases 
> become ready *concurrently*. In that case, there is no real sensible answer 
> to what any select implementation could guarantee.

Very interesting reading!


>> torsdag 6. mai 2021 kl. 14:29:31 UTC+2 skrev
>>> On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 11:34 PM Bakul Shah <> wrote:
>>>> Imagine that the latency between the device detecting a disconnect
>>>> signal and a user hitting a disconnect button is D ns while the fire
>>>> detection latency is F ns. So if D > F the device would raise the
>>>> alarm even if you implement it all in hardware! The only difference
>>>> between a Go implementation vs a hardware  one is the window size.
>>>> If you want to make it minimize it, Go is not the right solution.
>>>> For that, in H/W you'd probably *gate* the alarm line to the fire
>>>> department with the disconnect signal! But even so there is a small
>>>> window.
>>> There's a more contrived example which takes this argument to the 
>>> extreme. It illustrates some of the problems.
>>> Imagine you had D on Venus, and F on Mars. You receive radio signals on 
>>> Earth from F and D. Due to planet orbits, this system is in constant 
>>> motion, so the window constantly changes. It makes it really hard to nail 
>>> down a good window, though it can be argued we can precompute the position 
>>> of planets and thus compensate. However, you might have other systems where 
>>> even the prediction of the window size is impossible.
>>> Most computer systems, as Ian writes, exhibit the same window 
>>> fluctuations at a far smaller scale, seemingly at random. In particular, 
>>> time is not absolute in computer systems. See e.g., "There is no Now" (
>>> by Justin Sheehy for an 
>>> example. The writing by Sheehy also injects an important point into these 
>>> discussions: impossibility results. As you add more and more distribution 
>>> to a system---of which one can argue that a modern multicore system is, in 
>>> fact, a distributed system---you may end up with FLP or CAP in disguise. 
>>> Both these results put a wooden stake through the determinism vampire.
>>> I don't think it is too far fetched to argue that prioritization, 
>>> ordering and (non-)determinism are intertwined.
>>> -- 
>>> J.
>> -- 
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