> Guess by "even if it wasn't" you mean "even if it wasn't top level and 
was exporting functionality"

I think he means in general, you can do this:

// go.mod says "module github.com/my/module/with-a-very-weird-name"
package foo

and when you import it, you still get a package "foo".  That's unless you 
rename at import time, e.g.
import (
    bar "github.com/my/module/with-a-very-weird-name"

Here's a complete example.  To test, cd into pkg1 then do "go mod tidy && 
go run ."  Note that package foo (in directory pkg2) *is* top level and 
*is* exporting functionality.  

==> pkg1/go.mod <==
module example.com/myprog

go 1.16

replace example.com/my/module/with-a-very-weird-name => ../pkg2

require example.com/my/module/with-a-very-weird-name 

==> pkg1/main.go <==
package main

import (

func main() {

==> pkg2/go.mod <==
module example.com/my/module/with-a-very-weird-name

go 1.16

==> pkg2/main.go <==
package foo
var Greeting = "Hello world"

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