For my QUIC implementation <>, 
I'm trying to set the DF bit on outgoing packets.

The following code works fine on Linux:
addr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", ":0")
conn, _ := net.ListenUDP("udp", addr)
rawConn, _ := conn.SyscallConn()
rawConn.Control(func(fd uintptr) {
    unix.SetsockoptInt(int(fd), unix.IPPROTO_IP, unix.IP_MTU_DISCOVER, 1)

On OSX, the sockopt doesn't have a named constant, the correct value to use 
here is 28. The code above only works if I'm listening on an address that's 
unambiguously IPv4, e.g. **.
If I listen on an address that allows me to send and receive both IPv4 and 
IPv6 (like *:0*), it doesn't work anymore: *SetsockoptInt *now returns 
error 22 (invalid argument). That's unfortunate as users of the library 
often listen on *:0*.

Is there any way to make this work analogously to how it works on Linux?

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