I was specifically talking about Ian's example, where no methods are 

On Tuesday, 6 April 2021 at 15:57:18 UTC+2 Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 9:04 PM yiyus <yiyu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >  then I guess you mean that interface { MyInt } will accept any type
>> > argument whose underlying type is the same as the underlying type of
>> > MyInt. But that seems strange. There is no connection between MyInt
>> > and MyInt2, except that they happen to be defined in terms of the same
>> > underlying type.
>> This is an excellent example. Indeed, I think that MyInt and MyInt2 
>> should satisfy the same constraints (because they support exactly the same 
>> operations). Just like MyString and MyString2 will implement the Stringer 
>> interface if they happen to have a String method, and there is no way to 
>> constrain the types which can implement Stringer, I think that any type 
>> that can be used in a generic function like an int should satisfy 
>> interface{int} (and therefore also interface{MyInt} and interface{MyInt2}).
> But they don't necessarily support exactly the same operations if they 
> have different methods. So maybe you mean that MyInt and MyInt2 should 
> satisfy the same constraints if they have the same underlying type and 
> happen to support the same method sets.  

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