We're not going to do your homework for you, but some things to consider:

- maps are good at associating values with names
- there's a strings.ToLower()
<https://golang.org/pkg/strings/?m=all#ToLower> function you will find
- sort.Ints <https://golang.org/pkg/sort/#Ints> sorts ints in ascending
- if s is a string, s[0] is a rune
- if r is a rune, string(r) is a 1 character string

These are bits of Go that you will find helpful in solving your assignment.

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 7:02 PM Vignesh Kumar <vinesh1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Thanks in advance. Please help me to finish this assignments.
> Write a program which will accept a string. This program should output all
> the characters and number of their occurrences, in order of their
> occurrences. So that, character appearing most number of times should be
> printed first and characters appearing least number of times (i.e. 1 time)
> should appear at the last. Capital and small characters should be
> considered as same. Only spaces in the input string should not be counted.
> Example: Input string is "Hello there", it should output: e: 3, h: 2, l:
> 2, o:1, i: 1, t : 1, r: 1 *
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