Go: go1.15.8 darwin/amd64
OS: MacOS 11.2.1

The program here <https://play.golang.org/p/Jgx2Ihq5C69> includes a 
function with variadic arguments:
    func outputStrings(strings …string)

Individual strings can be passed specifically:
    outputStrings("foo", "bar")

You can also use an ellipses to covert the content of an array to the 
individual arguments:

   myStrings := []string{"foo", "bar"}

I expected that this would work as well:
    outputStrings("foo", "bar", myStrings...)

But it leads to:

    # variadic
    ./variadic.go:17:15: too many arguments in call to outputStrings
    have (string, string, []string...)
    want (...string)

The error message is clear, and easily worked around, so my question isn’t 
so much *why* the error occurred, by rather *should* it have occurred? It 
seems to me that the format of the function call make it clear and 
unambiguous to the compiler what’s being passed.

There was similar discussion here 
<https://groups.google.com/g/golang-nuts/c/BlTgE3ZHI8c/m/0_2Vy1BcX5cJ>, but 
it was left unresolved.

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