Thanks for answering me.
Now I have a curious problem. Most of the code I've written is
compiling. I'm using go 1.15.8 under ubuntu. I did
I'm logged into ~/go/src
export GO111MODULE=on
cd multack This is my code
go mod init multack
cd ..
Now I'm back in ~/go/src
go install multack
I get an error saying that "package multack is not in GOROOT
If I do
go run multack/multack.go
That works.
What does this error message mean?
Thanks again.
--rob solomon
On 2/24/21 10:23 PM, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 5:24 PM rob <> wrote:
I was unclear.
My directories are structured so that each is its own program. For
example, I have programs w/ these names, and the code is in that
directory. That's how I understood GOPATH was supposed to be organized
There are at least 20 of these. I have compiled these from within
~/go/src using
go install dsrt
go install regex
and so on
Additionally, I would like more explanation and/or documentation as to
the replace command in a go.mod file.
Most likely you should run "go mod init" in each directory.
Am I expected to run
go mod init <module name>
on all of my code, or only those that are imported by package main code?
In each directory.
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