
Since there where no comments on 
https://github.com/json-iterator/go/issues/501 - I decided that an open 
discussion (not necessarily on behalf of this project - there could be 
other projects/use cases, which could a cause for contributions, into the 
reflection library).

I tried to test with Golang 1.15.8. I tried an old version of 
llvm-goc/gollvm - but can re-check, using the latest version of gollvm.
Also hence that one of the checks was done on x86_64 Windows 10.

It is not clear what kind of patch (and in favor of which engineering 
targets) would be required, yet - so we are not at the point where we could 
excavate OS/arch dependent issues.

I see a lot of errors like

./any.go:259:15: undefined: "github.com/goccy/go-reflect".TypeOfPtr
./reflect_array.go:36:15: undefined: 
I tried to do two things: I tried to revert back from reflect2 to libgo's 
reflect - and I tried to use goccy's go-reflect, instead of reflect2.
It is interesting that both attempts brought similar errors - but they also 
brought some unique errors.
But nothing that would bring specific practical wage, just case of that.


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