Some developers build sheds others build skyscrapers. Exceptions let you build 
skyscrapers - but not everyone needs a skyscraper. 

I’ve use both methods extensively in my career - well written exception code is 
far easier to write and maintain for more complex systems.

> On Feb 20, 2021, at 2:31 PM, Matthew Holiday <> 
> wrote:
> I'm referring to errors found in the function (i.e., by calling other 
> functions). It's the responsibility of the callers of a function to handle 
> the errors it returns, and not the function itself. How can one function 
> claim responsibility for the error handling strategy of all programs using it?
> Yes, I suppose in some sense exceptions guarantee all errors are handled 
> somewhere. Unfortunately, what I've seen of exception handling over the years 
> is that it's often "log the stack trace and keep moving", which isn't all 
> that useful, and tends to cover up real bugs. A better approach would be not 
> to catch exceptions at all, and let them crash the program (which is what 
> Go's panic will do); this ensures the bugs are really handled by removing 
> them from the program.
> [And given this type of exception "handling" it's not much value to the 
> author of a single function to know that the errors will all be "handled" 
> somewhere.]
> Unfortunately, exception handling languages tend to put all types of errors, 
> normal and abnormal *, into the same basket. Which means you can't do 
> sensible error handling for, e.g., JSON that doesn't decode, while allowing 
> the program to crash when there's a logic bug. (For non-safety critical 
> software, a crash failure is typically the safest way to fail. 
> Safety-critical software, on the other hand, avoids exception handling like 
> the plague.)
> * A normal error is some behavior that can reasonably be expected, such as 
> "file not found" or "no route to host", etc. Abnormal errors are logic bugs 
> in the program.
> An aside:
> Assuming you had a cyclomatic complexity calculator that took exceptions into 
> consideration, such that exceptions passing through a function counted as a 
> branch, what kind of numbers would you get? Probably pretty awful, given just 
> about any line of code would be capable of throwing an exception. But 
> exceptions typically aren't counted, so that functions are thought to be far 
> less complex than they really are in the presence of exceptions.
> Invisible (magic) return paths through a function go against the notion of 
> "the code does what it says on the page".
>> On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 1:11 PM Robert Engels <> wrote:
>> Can you clarify what you mean mean by “the code does exactly what it shows 
>> on the page”? How do you know by looking at the code, or even compiling the 
>> code, that all possible errors returned by a function are handled? That to 
>> me is biggest difficult in reading (or using) others Go code. Exceptions 
>> (well written) handle this by declaring all possible error (or categories) 
>> thrown by the method. 
>> This seems a real problem with long term maintenance of Go code. 
>>>> On Feb 20, 2021, at 1:39 PM, Matthew Holiday <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>> Roger beat me to it.
>>> But allow me to rephrase,
>>> "The users of Go for a long time have resisted any changes to its simple, 
>>> clear method of error handling despite it being a major concern of folks 
>>> who don't use Go much." *
>>> * I'm referring to the original survey, which was worded along the lines of 
>>> "what keeps you from adopting Go?"
>>> (implying that the responders are those who haven't adopted Go)
>>> Any type of error handling that creates invisible returns in a function is 
>>> a bad idea IMNSHO (an opinion backed up by various researches into the 
>>> complexity of exception handling). Speaking for myself, I'd like to retain 
>>> that quality of Go whereby "the code does exactly what it says on the page."
>>>> On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 11:31 AM roger peppe <> wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 20 Feb 2021, 16:31 L Godioleskky, <> wrote:
>>>>> Rust lang, very early in its evolution, saw the need to create its 
>>>>> operator '?'  to more efficiently manage error handling. But the 
>>>>> guardians of Go lang have resisted any changes to its clumsy method of 
>>>>> error handling despite it being a major concern of Go users for a very 
>>>>> long time. 
>>>> Actually the "guardians of Go" (by which I guess you mean the Go team at 
>>>> Google) tried quite hard recently to propose an improved way of handling 
>>>> errors, but it was resisted by "Go users". So what you're saying is just 
>>>> not true, I'm afraid.
>>>>>> On Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 11:14:11 AM UTC-5 ohir wrote:
>>>>>> Dnia 2021-02-13, o godz. 17:44:47 
>>>>>> Michael MacInnis <> napisał(a): 
>>>>>> > I've been playing around with reducing error handling boilerplate 
>>>>>> You're not alone. Hundreds of us went into such thinking in the first 
>>>>>> weeks 
>>>>>> of reading/using Go - yet before we noticed how much more productive we 
>>>>>> are with Go's "boilerplate" than we were in languages where handling 
>>>>>> errors 
>>>>>> (failures) was "a problem of others", including future-us as "others". 
>>>>>> Perceived consensus of the Go community is that "error handling 
>>>>>> boilerplate" 
>>>>>> is a strong feature. I.e. in normal production software you MUST handle 
>>>>>> failures 
>>>>>> and you should do it as close as possible to the source of said failure. 
>>>>>> Go helps with that. Even team's proposal was finally retracted: 
>>>>>> Discussion there is lengthy, 
>>>>>> but worth 
>>>>>> reading to sense why wider community considers "boilerplate" as asset. 
>>>>>> Error handling proposals umbrella: 
>>>>>> > Michael. 
>>>>>> Hope this helps, 
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Wojciech S. Czarnecki 
>>>>>> << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE 
>>>>> -- 
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>>> Matt Holiday
>>> Senior Gopher, Marketing Technologies
>>> 620 Eighth Avenue
>>> New York, NY 10018
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> Matt Holiday
> Senior Gopher, Marketing Technologies
> 620 Eighth Avenue
> New York, NY 10018
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