Thanks, Space & Alex.  I already understood the need for the Go tool
environment vars, just didn't know how to apply them on a per-folder
basis.  Thanks for outlining how to use multiple instances of VSCode.  It
doesn't appeal to my workflow preferences, but then *à chacun son goût* as *nos
amis français* would put it.

I ended up learning how to use VSCode Multi-Root Workspaces to permit a
separate settings.json in wasm/ folder.  That seems to work fairly well.  I
wrote a detailed answer on StackOverflow
anyone who's interested.


*“I want you to act as if the house was on fire. Because it is.” — Greta

On Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 7:11 AM Space A. <> wrote:

> Hi,
> the solution would be:
> 1. Protect WASM source files with build flags so that when you open a
> "backend" main sources, IDE won't complain about "syscall/js", like this:
> // +build js,wasm
> 2. Open `wasm` directory in second instance of VS Code for which you would
> set GOOS and GOARCH for a workspace. When editing settings in json, click
> on "workspace" tab and VS Code will create .vscode/settings.json in `wasm`
> directory. Put something like:
> {
>     "go.toolsEnvVars": {
>         "GOOS": "js",
>         "GOARCH": "wasm",
>     }
> }
> in there.
> 3. In future, work in two instances of VS Code, even though if logically
> it's a different parts of same project and could be under the same Go
> module. All IDE features will work fluently. I haven't seen any problems
> with this approach so far.
> суббота, 13 февраля 2021 г. в 23:42:06 UTC+3,
>> *(Sorry for posting what is mostly a VSCode question. I've asked it on
>> StackOverflow without getting any responses.  Am reposting here in the hope
>> that some has already run into this problem and figured out how to deal
>> with it.)*
>> I have a Go project that builds a WebAssembly (WASM)  app and a backend
>> server for it. Both pieces build and run without errors. VSCode, however,
>> produces an annoying linter error in the WASM app.
>> ```
>> could not import syscall/js (no required module provides package
>> "syscall/js")
>> ```
>> The problem, as I currently understand it, is that VSCode doesn't infer
>> from the build tags that it should invoke `gopls` with `env GOOS=js
>> GOARCH=wasm` and that one solution is to set these tags as workspace Go
>> environment vars.
>> The app design, however, relies on providing a common internal package to
>> both the wasm and the server code so that each side sees some struct
>> definitions that simplify the interface between them. To that end, the repo
>> is organized (simplified view) as follows:
>> ```
>> cmd
>> ├── internal
>> │   └── common
>> │       ├── common.go
>> │       └── common_test.go
>> ├── server
>> │   └── main.go
>> └── wasm
>>     └── main.go
>> ```
>> How can I configure VSCode to use `env GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm` when linting
>> the wasm directory and not for other directories?
>> --
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