On 06.02.21 03:32, Wojciech S. Czarnecki wrote:
Dnia 2021-02-04, o godz. 00:30:57
Selahaddin Harmankaya <selahaddinh...@gmail.com> napisaĆ(a):
There are obviously more things to consider
Slice is not an array, it is a _view_into_ an array. Many such views
into the same array may exist simultaneously.
A "remove element from _slice_" operation always must make a new array
and copy all elements that you intend to stay. Current idiom using append
will do this for you while being frank about costs.
Maybe I misunderstand what you wrote, but as long as the slice has
enough capacity the array will be reused and not not copied:
See: https://blog.golang.org/slices-intro
Hope this helps,
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